kamailio version:5.0.1
i think you didn't go threw below documents before migrating to kamailio 5.x.x. https://www.kamailio.org/wiki/install/upgrade/4.4.x-to-5.0.0
Closed #1270.
a stupid response @SurendraPlivo do you noted that kamailio does not have that table? its a asterisk table due realtime integration pufff
The subscriber table is used by kamailio, what does asterisk have to do here?
@mckaygerhard please have a look on below link: https://kamailio.org/docs/db-tables/kamailio-db-5.1.x.html#gen-db-subscriber
Let me know if you need any specific help for this.
hi, @surendratiwari3 thanks for your answer, the suscriber doc table looks good but does not point any version chek related info..
that by casuallity are in https://kamailio.org/docs/db-tables/kamailio-db-5.1.x.html#gen-db-version but this are no related info again! so then?
@mckaygerhard k so basically, Kamailio maintains the version tables correspondence to every table into version table. so if any changes happen to the database table in particular upgrade version of that table also get changed.
oh ok that's great but i mean the relation at the change.. maybe that must be pointed something like "since kamailio 5.1" or "deprecatedsince kamailio 5.1" without offense, that's the works documentation in the world!
related to #1780 .. kamailio as said in documentation must upgraded version of the tables.. BUT does not said nothing about the version of same counterpart in asteriks instegration.. a complete pain in the ass