Hi all, thank Peter very much for the suggestion. In fact, with the XHTTP_AUTH enable, SIP Communicator (JITSI) doesn’t work with XCAP of Kamailio. With the XHTTP_AUTH comment out. The Presence authorization finally works, but partially.
When bob add alice as a contact, there is a authorization request popup to alice, and alice click accept, then the auth req result popup appear to alice saying the bob has accepted the request! After that, bob can see the presence status of alice correctly. But alice always see the bob is offline. In the xcap table, we see there is an entry in the rls (contact alice in the user bob entry) and another entry in the presence rules (contact alice in the user bob entry).
But when I try to add bob as a contact from alice, nothing happen, there is no popup of authorization request to bob. And alice always see the bob is offline. Any idea?
Thank you very much.
Best Regards, Laura
Hi Laura,
You could check the pres-rules XML document stored for bob on the server to see if alice is authorised to see him. If the pres-rules document for bob does not show alice as authorised then I think there is a problem with Jitsi as it is Jitsi that should update those documents.
If the pres-rules for alice and bob both show each as authorised to see the other then I suggest you take a LAN trace and take a look at the SUBSCRIBE and NOTIFY requests.
On Wed, 2011-04-20 at 18:56 +0200, laura testi wrote:
Hi all, thank Peter very much for the suggestion. In fact, with the XHTTP_AUTH enable, SIP Communicator (JITSI) doesn’t work with XCAP of Kamailio. With the XHTTP_AUTH comment out. The Presence authorization finally works, but partially.
When bob add alice as a contact, there is a authorization request popup to alice, and alice click accept, then the auth req result popup appear to alice saying the bob has accepted the request! After that, bob can see the presence status of alice correctly. But alice always see the bob is offline. In the xcap table, we see there is an entry in the rls (contact alice in the user bob entry) and another entry in the presence rules (contact alice in the user bob entry).
But when I try to add bob as a contact from alice, nothing happen, there is no popup of authorization request to bob. And alice always see the bob is offline. Any idea?
Thank you very much.
Best Regards, Laura
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