``` Source: kamailio Severity: important User: Usertags: obsolete-pcre3
Dear maintainer,
Your package still depends on the old, obsolete PCRE3[0] libraries (i.e. libpcre3-dev). This has been end of life for a while now, and upstream do not intend to fix any further bugs in it. Accordingly, I would like to remove the pcre3 libraries from Debian, preferably in time for the release of Bookworm.
The newer PCRE2 library was first released in 2015, and has been in Debian since stretch. Upstream's documentation for PCRE2 is available here:
Many large projects that use PCRE have made the switch now (e.g. git, php); it does involve some work, but we are now at the stage where PCRE3 should not be used, particularly if it might ever be exposed to untrusted input.
This mass bug filing was discussed on debian-devel@ in
Matthew [0] Historical reasons mean that old PCRE is packaged as pcre3 in Debian ```
We've done some bad decisions in naming as well, but naming `pcre2` a newer version of `pcre3` is pretty counterintuitive.
Anyhow, from what I remember, next modules are using pcre: dialplan, lcr and regex.
I forgot about this :/
And now we're out of Debian testing.
``` Testing: Excuse for kamailio Migration status for kamailio (- to 5.7.0-1): BLOCKED: Rejected/violates migration policy/introduces a regression Issues preventing migration: Removal request by auto-removals Trying to remove package, not update it Updating kamailio would introduce bugs in testing: [#1000134]( Additional info: Piuparts tested OK - 74 days old (needed 5 days) Excuses generated on: Tue Aug 1 09:07:08 2023 UTC ```
Closed #2946 as completed.