tirpi 2009/07/13 17:13:12 CEST
SER CVS Repository
Modified files:
cfg cfg_script.c cfg_struct.c
cfg framework: fix the group handles in the main process
(backport from GIT)
The main process does not have a local configuration,
it has access only to the config values that were set before
forking. As a result, the group handles cannot ponint to
the shared memory address because the shared memory block
may be freed later by one of the child processes. This problem
resulted sometimes in a core dump after the processes were killed
when the main process tried to access a variable from shared mem
which was no longer available.
Revision Changes Path
1.7 +1 -2 sip_router/cfg/cfg_script.c
1.13 +8 -6 sip_router/cfg/cfg_struct.c