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FS#330 - debugger: new RPC command dbg.reset_msgid User who did this - VĂctor Seva (linuxmaniac)
---------- I just need to be able to reset the msgid ( $mi ) without restart kamailio.
I have a logger parser that exports the info ( route, var_dump, sip_in, sip_out ) for every message relaying on the $mi. So, I have test cases for every message $mi.yml in a sipp scenario and several sipp scenarios. So for each one I have to be able to reset $mi.
This is the first idea that came to my mind. Add a debugger parameter to enable the functionality, a callback at receive and a new debugger RPC command to reset the id.
Can you explain me how can I do this without messing around in a normal environment? What is that debbuger pre-script function?
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