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-- Commit Summary --
* kazoo: Removed extra workarround for current rabbitmq-c lib
-- File Changes --
M modules/kazoo/kz_amqp.c (2) M pkg/kamailio/centos/7/kamailio.spec (4)
-- Patch Links --
lazedo commented on this pull request.
@@ -684,8 +684,6 @@ int kz_amqp_add_connection(modparam_t type, void* val)
if(newConn->info.vhost == NULL) { newConn->info.vhost = KZ_URL_ROOT; - } else if(newConn->info.vhost[0] == '/' && strlen(newConn->info.vhost) == 1) { // bug in amqp_parse_url ? - newConn->info.vhost++;
this is needed for 0.5.2
lazedo commented on this pull request.
@@ -214,8 +214,8 @@ json string handling and RPC modules for Kamailio.
%package kazoo Summary: Kazoo middle layer connector support for Kamailio Group: System Environment/Daemons -Requires: libuuid, rabbitmq-c, json-c, libevent, kamailio = %ver -BuildRequires: libuuid-devel, rabbitmq-c-devel, json-c-devel, libevent-devel +Requires: libuuid, librabbitmq >= 0.8.0, json-c, libevent, kamailio = %ver +BuildRequires: libuuid-devel, librabbitmq-devel >= 0.8.0, json-c-devel, libevent-devel
you can build with 0.5.2
sergey-safarov commented on this pull request.
@@ -684,8 +684,6 @@ int kz_amqp_add_connection(modparam_t type, void* val)
if(newConn->info.vhost == NULL) { newConn->info.vhost = KZ_URL_ROOT; - } else if(newConn->info.vhost[0] == '/' && strlen(newConn->info.vhost) == 1) { // bug in amqp_parse_url ? - newConn->info.vhost++;
But this prevents to use rabbitmq-c lib 0.8.0 With this strings kazoo module cannot connect to rabbitmq-server
sergey-safarov commented on this pull request.
@@ -214,8 +214,8 @@ json string handling and RPC modules for Kamailio.
%package kazoo Summary: Kazoo middle layer connector support for Kamailio Group: System Environment/Daemons -Requires: libuuid, rabbitmq-c, json-c, libevent, kamailio = %ver -BuildRequires: libuuid-devel, rabbitmq-c-devel, json-c-devel, libevent-devel +Requires: libuuid, librabbitmq >= 0.8.0, json-c, libevent, kamailio = %ver +BuildRequires: libuuid-devel, librabbitmq-devel >= 0.8.0, json-c-devel, libevent-devel
Module can be build but later cannot be used if used rabbitmq-c lib 0.8.0 This PR is fix it
sergey-safarov commented on this pull request.
@@ -684,8 +684,6 @@ int kz_amqp_add_connection(modparam_t type, void* val)
if(newConn->info.vhost == NULL) { newConn->info.vhost = KZ_URL_ROOT; - } else if(newConn->info.vhost[0] == '/' && strlen(newConn->info.vhost) == 1) { // bug in amqp_parse_url ? - newConn->info.vhost++;
I will rewrite this like it is done on commit
@sergey-safarov i would prefer to backport the related commit in master. i intent to create a PR to do that for this commit commit and a lot others if that's ok with you.
@lazedo this issue already fixed in master
I see this PR not equal implementation in master branch. Is required to update this PR?
@lazedo i goes to close this PR. Please backport required features.
Closed #1083.