-Extending rtpengine_delete() in order to enable specifying Call-ID, To-Tag and From-Tag for timed out dialogs. -Matching the calls to rtpengine machine correctly. You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:
-- Commit Summary --
* rtpengine: Delete flags & delete handling improvement
-- File Changes --
M src/modules/rtpengine/rtpengine.c (28)
-- Patch Links --
https://github.com/kamailio/kamailio/pull/1103.patch https://github.com/kamailio/kamailio/pull/1103.diff
rfuchs requested changes on this pull request.
Couple of suggestions on how to improve the flow of logic here. You can leave them unchanged if you prefer, then I will address them myself afterwards.
However, please do document these changes in `doc/rtpengine_admin.xml`, perhaps with an explanation of how they might be useful.
@@ -1784,6 +1784,8 @@ static int parse_flags(struct ng_flags_parse *ng_flags, struct sip_msg *msg, enu
case 6: if (str_eq(&key, "to-tag")) { ng_flags->to = 1; + if (val.s && val.len > 0)
If a value is given, you could simply leave `ng_flags->to` alone (as zero) and `goto generic`
@@ -1967,8 +1970,13 @@ static bencode_item_t *rtpp_function_call(bencode_buffer_t *bencbuf, struct sip_
if (ng_flags.rtcp_mux && ng_flags.rtcp_mux->child) bencode_dictionary_add(ng_flags.dict, "rtcp-mux", ng_flags.rtcp_mux);
- bencode_dictionary_add_str(ng_flags.dict, "call-id", &callid); - + temp.s = NULL; + if (!bencode_dictionary_get_str(ng_flags.dict, "call-id", &temp))
You can get rid of the temp variable and the case distinction below by simply retrieving the given call ID into `callid`. Otherwise, at the very least please rename `temp` to something more meaningful, as there's quite a long distance between this and the place where it's actually being used.
Generally though, instead of doing a `_get_str` here, I would prefer `parse_flags` to take care of this and update a flag in `ng_flags` to signal that a call ID is already present. (Reason is that a dictionary lookup for a constructed dictionary reverts to a linear search, and I cringe at linear searches. :smile: ) The same applies to the fromtag/totag handling below, which can be solved in a similar way.
Thank you, i will make the changes by taking your comments into account.
@hdikme pushed 1 commit.
50e56a2 rtpengine: Delete flags & delete handling improvement
Closed #1103 via e69579bca5b0e08187481f228e621ece0d1b79d5.