A new Flyspray task has been opened. Details are below.
User who did this - Timo Reimann (tr)
Attached to Project - sip-router Summary - DLGCB_CONFIRMED triggered on 200/OK, not ACK Task Type - Bug Report Category - dialog Status - Assigned Assigned To - Timo Reimann Operating System - All Severity - Medium Priority - Normal Reported Version - Development Due in Version - Undecided Due Date - Undecided Details - As can be observed from dialog's documentation and the dialog state machine (in modules_k/dialog/dlg_hash.c), DLG_CONFIRMED is to be triggered on detection of a handshake-concluding ACK message, i.e., the finalization of the message triple INVITE/200/ACK. However, the callback is executed when the state transitions to DLG_STATE_CONFIRMED_NA (NA = No Ack; see dlg_handlers.c:dlg_onreply()) which is when the 200 has been received only.
There are two possible fixes:
- Move execution of DLGCB_CONFIRMED from dlg_onreply() to dlg_onroute(), not providing a callback anymore for when 200 is received. - Rename DLGCB_CONFIRMED to DLGCB_CONFIRMED_NA and implement another callback DLGCB_CONFIRMED in dlg_onroute().
I favor the second approach as it does not remove an existing functionality (even if it's implemented erroneously from a logical point of view) and allows dialog callback users to run code at all (three) relevant moments during dialog establishment.
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