Hello list,
after loading the pua_dialoginfo module I noticed, that AVPs set in a REQUEST_ROUTE are not available anymore within the following branch_route.
I tried to examine the situation and recognized, that (for INVITE) the PUBLISH is sent out after calling t_relay (dialog registers callback in tm and pua registers callback in dialog) but before the branch_routes are called.
So there seems to be a problem in the code, which sends out the PUBLISH request. Or is this behaviour normal? If not, which information would be needed for debugging?
Thank you & Best Regards Jasmin
On Thursday 03 June 2010, Jasmin Schnatterbeck wrote:
after loading the pua_dialoginfo module I noticed, that AVPs set in a REQUEST_ROUTE are not available anymore within the following branch_route.
I tried to examine the situation and recognized, that (for INVITE) the PUBLISH is sent out after calling t_relay (dialog registers callback in tm and pua registers callback in dialog) but before the branch_routes are called.
So there seems to be a problem in the code, which sends out the PUBLISH request. Or is this behaviour normal? If not, which information would be needed for debugging?
Hi Jasmin,
have you enable the onreply_avp_mode parameter in tm module? http://kamailio.org/docs/modules/1.5.x/tm.html#id2516691
Henning Westerholt writes:
have you enable the onreply_avp_mode parameter in tm module? http://kamailio.org/docs/modules/1.5.x/tm.html#id2516691
onreply_avp_mode param does not exist in 3.0 and migration text form 1.5 to 3.0 is not clear:
tm onreply_avp_mode does not exist
In Kamailio 3.0.0, AVPs that are set in request route are always visible in branch, TM-reply and failure routes.
it omits to mention, if AVPs that are set in onreply_route, are visible after execution of onreply_route.
-- juha
On Saturday 05 June 2010, Juha Heinanen wrote:
tm onreply_avp_mode does not exist
In Kamailio 3.0.0, AVPs that are set in request route are always visible in branch, TM-reply and failure routes.
it omits to mention, if AVPs that are set in onreply_route, are visible after execution of onreply_route.
Hi Juha,
i've added one more sentences with this information to the migration docs in the wiki.