Module: kamailio Branch: master Commit: 426787068bab1dbeb07ca7b973ac90a91a980628 URL:
Author: Daniel-Constantin Mierla Committer: Daniel-Constantin Mierla Date: 2022-05-10T19:42:48+02:00
pv: docs for xavp_lshift() function
Modified: src/modules/pv/doc/pv_admin.xml
Diff: Patch:
diff --git a/src/modules/pv/doc/pv_admin.xml b/src/modules/pv/doc/pv_admin.xml index dca9392822..bc36df564b 100644 --- a/src/modules/pv/doc/pv_admin.xml +++ b/src/modules/pv/doc/pv_admin.xml @@ -732,6 +732,39 @@ xavp_child_rm("x", "y"); ... xavi_child_rm("WhatEver", "FoO"); # same result as: $xavi(whatever=>foo) = $null; +... + </programlisting> + </example> + </section> + <section id="pv.f.xavp_lshift"> + <title> + <function moreinfo="none">xavp_lshift(xname, idx)</function> + </title> + <para> + Left shift with rotation of the xavps with name xname so that + the one at the index idx becomes the first and the ones before + it are at the end of the list. + </para> + <para> + The first parameter has to be the name of XAVP in the root list. + The second parameter is the index of the XAVP that becomes the + first one. + </para> + <para> + The parameters can be with variables. + </para> + <para> + Function can be used from ANY ROUTE. + </para> + <example> + <title><function>xavp_lshift</function> usage</title> + <programlisting format="linespecific"> +... +$xavp(n) = 10; +$xavp(n) = 20; +$xavp(n) = 30; +xavp_lshift("n", "1"); +# results in: $xavp(n) having the list of values 20 30 10 ... </programlisting> </example>