Daniel, thank you in advance, by his answer quick.
But pay attention to the second assignment, the new value is append to the end of the previous content of $fU variable and isn't overwriting the $fU variable with the new value. This behaviour is what one I expected.
That behaviour is Design definition?
Beforehand, let me I join the Kamailio development community.
Best Regards CMA
Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2016 08:07:03 +0200 From: Daniel-Constantin Mierla miconda@gmail.com To: "Kamailio (SER) - Development Mailing List" sr-dev@lists.sip-router.org Subject: Re: [sr-dev] $fU pv Assign New Value Isnt Rewrite old value Message-ID: 6366e966-fb9d-28d9-b002-cbb5f143c24b@gmail.com Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
it is by design -- $fU is an operation over a sip header, which is done in a special way for performance considerations -- for more details and how to deal with multiple changes see:
Cheers, Daniel
On 04/10/16 01:13, Cléviton Mendes de Araújo wrote:
Hi,Kamailio Community
Is there a bug when we assign new value to $fU pseudo-variable multi
My scenery is according below:
In a point on config file, let us that $fU value is: 7777. When I do assign:
..... $fU = "5555" + $fU; ### Here $fU = 55557777 .....
In another point, let us that value $sht(htble=>$var(nnnn)) hold is: 44444444. And I do:
..... $fU = $sht(htble=>$var(nnnn)); #### Here, it seems that this is happening $fU = 5555777744444444 .....
When I turn on ngrep analysis, I catch From header:
................. ................. From: "User Name" sip:5555777744444444@IP-Address ................. .................
This two assignments are realizing on same route block.
So, it seems to be a bug.
Best Regards, CMA