somehow the SVN commit messages are not yet working for Timo. This are the missing commits:
http://openser.svn.sourceforge.net/openser/?rev=6017&view=rev http://openser.svn.sourceforge.net/openser/?rev=6018&view=rev http://openser.svn.sourceforge.net/openser/?rev=6019&view=rev http://openser.svn.sourceforge.net/openser/?rev=6020&view=rev
Daniel, do i need to setup some special mapping (maybe on www.kamailio.org) to make this work?
Thanks and regards,
On Wednesday 14 July 2010, Henning Westerholt wrote:
On Wednesday 14 July 2010, Henning Westerholt wrote:
[..] Daniel, do i need to setup some special mapping (maybe on www.kamailio.org) to make this work?
Ok, i've found them hidden somewhere, should work now. ;-)
Replying to myself for the next time.. One exim rewrite rule was missing, that was the reason.
2010/7/14 Henning Westerholt henning.westerholt@1und1.de:
somehow the SVN commit messages are not yet working for Timo. This are the missing commits:
http://openser.svn.sourceforge.net/openser/?rev=6017&view=rev http://openser.svn.sourceforge.net/openser/?rev=6018&view=rev http://openser.svn.sourceforge.net/openser/?rev=6019&view=rev http://openser.svn.sourceforge.net/openser/?rev=6020&view=rev
Yes, I also missed them yesterday.