writing to see if anyone is aware of any (well known) markup language for defining structures and function prototypes.
The goal is to use it for specifying the functions exported by KEMI (https://www.kamailio.org/wiki/devel/config-engines) so we can generate C code for the exported structure, but more important, to get at least the index with the functions available over the KEMI. I feel it's going to be a big burden to write C code and docs in two places, even worse, to keep both of them sync'ed over the time. At this moment, there are many functions exported via KEMI, but not documented anywhere (apart of the C code).
It should allow defining the name of the function, the parameters with their associated types, return code and eventually the description for each of them.
At the end we could invent one based on xml format (or something similar), but I would better use something that already exists there. I searched quickly, but couldn't find anything straightaway. A hint could be a format that is used to document the RPC commands.
Once the format is decided, we may have to write a tool to generate C code to be compiled with the module and the xml docbook file to be included in the documentation.
Any idea to solve this welcome!
Cheers, Daniel