I recently added etc/kamailio-oob.cfg (oob stands for out of the box), with the purpose of building a more complex configuration file that should show how to use various features (out of the box :-) ). The file is installed automatically (ser had it already) and should be added to packages as well.
The plan is to keep default config file (kamailio.cfg) simple enough and SIP routing specific to be useful for getting started. At this moment the two files are identical.
Config defines should still be used in oob to allow enabling/disabling features easily. It has to be kept up to date by new additions to it (e.g., try not to break existing features), but should be more open to contributions.
From my point of view, Ovidiu's last additions to kamailio.cfg should be kept only in the oob version. I hope that is ok.
Moreover, because it is related, everyone should know that another config file could be placed in etc/ and it will be installed: kamailio-basic.cfg . This should be more like a bare bone config to start with. If anyone finds it useful, feel free to add one (you can look at the sip-router-basic.cfg which came from ser flavour).
Cheers, Daniel