Hi all, I'm trying to use the call_control module from OpenSIPS on kamailio 1.5.1 and I'm stuck with and error that I'm not able to fix
CallControl module could be directly compiled with kamailio 1.5.1 without any issue because it's a very simple module. But when testing, and I call call_control() from the script, I allways gets
2009-05-28T17:15:36+02:00 <daemon.err> test02 test02[9431]: ERROR:call_control:callcontrol_connect: failed to connect to /var/run/callcontrol.sock: No such file or directory 2009-05-28T17:15:36+02:00 <daemon.err> test02 test02[9431]: Call control: internal server error
I have callcontrol running, and /var/run/callcontrol.sock exist and kamailio have the needed permission to work with it.
Does anyone used the call_control module from OpenSIPS (no matter if with kamailio or with opensips) ?
I tracked down the source to line 521 of call_control.c, on witch that error is printed out.
Best regards
On Jueves, 28 de Mayo de 2009 16:18:48 Raúl Alexis Betancor Santana escribió:
Hi all, I'm trying to use the call_control module from OpenSIPS on kamailio 1.5.1 and I'm stuck with and error that I'm not able to fix
CallControl module could be directly compiled with kamailio 1.5.1 without any issue because it's a very simple module. But when testing, and I call call_control() from the script, I allways gets
2009-05-28T17:15:36+02:00 <daemon.err> test02 test02[9431]: ERROR:call_control:callcontrol_connect: failed to connect to /var/run/callcontrol.sock: No such file or directory 2009-05-28T17:15:36+02:00 <daemon.err> test02 test02[9431]: Call control: internal server error
I have callcontrol running, and /var/run/callcontrol.sock exist and kamailio have the needed permission to work with it.
Does anyone used the call_control module from OpenSIPS (no matter if with kamailio or with opensips) ?
I tracked down the source to line 521 of call_control.c, on witch that error is printed out.
Best regards
Forget this .. was my fault, I was playing with the acl's of the FS ...
What are the steps I should follow to add the callcontrol module to kamailio and s-r ?
On 05/29/2009 01:46 PM, Raúl Alexis Betancor Santana wrote:
On Jueves, 28 de Mayo de 2009 16:18:48 Raúl Alexis Betancor Santana escribió:
Hi all, I'm trying to use the call_control module from OpenSIPS on kamailio 1.5.1 and I'm stuck with and error that I'm not able to fix
CallControl module could be directly compiled with kamailio 1.5.1 without any issue because it's a very simple module. But when testing, and I call call_control() from the script, I allways gets
2009-05-28T17:15:36+02:00 <daemon.err> test02 test02[9431]: ERROR:call_control:callcontrol_connect: failed to connect to /var/run/callcontrol.sock: No such file or directory 2009-05-28T17:15:36+02:00 <daemon.err> test02 test02[9431]: Call control: internal server error
I have callcontrol running, and /var/run/callcontrol.sock exist and kamailio have the needed permission to work with it.
Does anyone used the call_control module from OpenSIPS (no matter if with kamailio or with opensips) ?
I tracked down the source to line 521 of call_control.c, on witch that error is printed out.
Best regards
Forget this .. was my fault, I was playing with the acl's of the FS ...
What are the steps I should follow to add the callcontrol module to kamailio and s-r ?
I guess it has the kamailio interface, so please make a tarball with the sources that compile with sip router and upload it to the K tracker for now, i.e: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?atid=743023&group_id=139143&func=br...
Some one will review the code and then can be integrated. You have to commit for at least one year of module maintenance. You will get access to the repository when the review is done.
Cheers, Daniel
On Monday 01 June 2009 10:47:46 you wrote:
I guess it has the kamailio interface, so please make a tarball with the sources that compile with sip router and upload it to the K tracker for now, i.e: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?atid=743023&group_id=139143&func=br...
Some one will review the code and then can be integrated. You have to commit for at least one year of module maintenance. You will get access to the repository when the review is done.
Hi Daniel, I have done it ..