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User who did this - Markus Bucher (MarkCDSys)
Attached to Project - sip-router Summary - db_postgres: Prepared statements do not work Task Type - Improvement Category - Module Status - Unconfirmed Assigned To - Operating System - Linux Severity - Medium Priority - Normal Reported Version - Development Due in Version - Undecided Due Date - Undecided Details - Hi,
I recently tried to do some DB-Queries from my PostgreSQL-DB using modules db_postgres and db2_ops, finding out that queries using parameters did not work. E.g.: modparam("db2_ops", "declare_query", "sel1=select uid from sip_user where number=$1/%@from.uri.user");
I looked at the sources and saw that this has not been implemented, yet (PQprepare() is always called with 0 as number of parameters).
Using db_mysql as a draft, I created the attached patch, which fixes the issue for me (tested with PostgreSQL 8.4.16).
Notice that with PostgreSQL the parameters are marked within the SQL-query using '$1', '$2', etc. instead of '?' like it is in MySQL. This should be mentioned in db2_ops' documentation.
It would be nice if you would consider using my patch.
Best Regards, Markus
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