Module: sip-router
Branch: andrei/cdefs2doc
Commit: becac8950fdfb89585e864bcf838ee30a59f2950
Author: Andrei Pelinescu-Onciul <andrei(a)>
Committer: Andrei Pelinescu-Onciul <andrei(a)>
Date: Wed Feb 17 22:27:01 2010 +0100
doc: support for docbook output
Added support for generating docbook output (by using the
--docbook option).
doc/scripts/cdefs2doc/ | 107 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
1 files changed, 100 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
diff --git a/doc/scripts/cdefs2doc/
index 1dd9759..48e199b 100755
--- a/doc/scripts/cdefs2doc/
+++ b/doc/scripts/cdefs2doc/
@@ -72,8 +72,12 @@ my @cfg_default; # filled with config var defaults
my ($cfg_grp_name, $def_cfg_name, $cfg_var_name);
my ($opt_help, $opt_txt, $opt_is_tu, $dbg, $opt_grp_name, $opt_patch);
-my $opt_force_grp_name;
+my ($opt_force_grp_name, $opt_docbook);
+# default output formats
+my $output_format_header="HEADER";
+my $output_format_footer="FOOTER";
+my $output_format_varline="VARLINE2";
sub show_patch
@@ -121,6 +125,7 @@ Options:
is autodetected (see also -g).
--gcc gcc_name - run gcc_name instead of gcc.
-t | --txt - text mode output.
+ --docbook | --xml - docbook output (xml).
-T | --tu - the input file is in raw gcc translation
unit format (as produced by
gcc -fdump-translation-unit -c ). If not
@@ -136,6 +141,37 @@ Options:
+# escape a string for xml use
+# params: string to be escaped
+# return: escaped string
+sub xml_escape{
+ my $s=shift;
+ my %escapes = (
+ '"' => '"',
+ "'" => ''',
+ '&' => '&',
+ '<' => '<',
+ '>' => '>'
+ );
+ $s=~s/(["'&<>])/$escapes{$1}/g;
+ return $s;
+# escape a string according with the output requirements
+# params: string to be escaped
+# return: escaped string
+sub output_esc{
+ return xml_escape(shift) if defined $opt_docbook;
+ return shift;
# eliminate casts and expressions.
# (always go on the first operand)
# params: node (GCC::Node)
@@ -157,6 +193,7 @@ sub expr_op0{
if ($#ARGV < 0 || ! GetOptions( 'help|h|?' => \$opt_help,
'file|f=s' => \$file,
'txt|t' => \$opt_txt,
+ 'docbook|xml' => \$opt_docbook,
'tu|T' => \$opt_is_tu,
'source|src|s=s' => \$src_fname,
@@ -176,6 +213,16 @@ if ($#ARGV < 0 || ! GetOptions( 'help|h|?' =>
do { show_patch(); exit 0; } if (defined $opt_patch);
do { select(STDERR); help(); exit 1 } if (!defined $file);
+if (defined $opt_txt){
+ $output_format_header="HEADER";
+ $output_format_footer="FOOTER";
+ $output_format_varline="VARLINE2";
+}elsif (defined $opt_docbook){
+ $output_format_header="DOCBOOK_HEADER";
+ $output_format_footer="DOCBOOK_FOOTER";
+ $output_format_varline="DOCBOOK_VARLINE";
if (! defined $opt_is_tu){
# file is not a gcc translation-unit dump
# => we have to create one
@@ -342,17 +389,17 @@ if (@cfg_defs > 0){
# dump the configuration in txt mode
if (defined $opt_force_grp_name) {
- $cfg_grp_name=$opt_force_grp_name;
+ $cfg_grp_name=output_esc($opt_force_grp_name);
}elsif (!defined $cfg_grp_name && defined $opt_grp_name) {
- $cfg_grp_name=$opt_grp_name;
+ $cfg_grp_name=output_esc($opt_grp_name);
- $~ = "HEADER"; write;
- $~ = "VARLINE2" ;
+ $~ = $output_format_header; write;
+ $~ = $output_format_varline ;
for $l (@cfg_defs){
($name, $flags, $min, $max, $desc)=@{$l};
- $default= ($no>0) ? $cfg_default[$i] : "";
+ $default= ($no>0) ? output_esc($cfg_default[$i]) : "";
if ($min==0 && $max==0) {
@@ -373,10 +420,13 @@ if (@cfg_defs > 0){
$extra_txt.="Read-only." if ($flags & 128 );
- $desc.=".";
+ $extra_txt=output_esc($extra_txt);
+ $desc=output_esc($desc . ".");
+ $name=output_esc($name);
# generate txt description
+ $~ = $output_format_footer; write;
die "no configuration variables found in $file\n";
@@ -401,6 +451,9 @@ Configuration Variables@*
+format FOOTER =
format VARLINE =
@>. @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< -
$i, $name, $desc
@@ -432,3 +485,43 @@ $i, (valid_grp_name $cfg_grp_name)?$cfg_grp_name . "." .
$name : $name
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!-- this file is autogenerated, do not edit! -->
+<!DOCTYPE section PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"
+ "">
+<chapter id="config_vars@*">
+(valid_grp_name $cfg_grp_name) ? "." . $cfg_grp_name : ""
+ <title> Configuration Variables@*</title>
+(valid_grp_name $cfg_grp_name) ? " for " . $cfg_grp_name : ""
+<section id="@*">
+ (valid_grp_name $cfg_grp_name)?$cfg_grp_name . "." . $name : $name
+ <title>@*</title>
+ (valid_grp_name $cfg_grp_name)?$cfg_grp_name . "." . $name : $name
+ <para>
+ $desc
+ </para>
+~ <para>Default value: @*.</para>
+ $default
+~ <para>Range: @* - @*.</para>
+ $min, $max
+~ <para>Type: @*.</para>
+ $type
+ <para>
+ $extra_txt
+ </para>