When installing a new Kamailio from debian packages, dpkg will fail because Kamailio can't load any modules, resulting in a broken apt state. This is because the "mpath" line in the example config is commented out. Enabling this line fixes the install problem. Tested on Debian Jessie. You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:
-- Commit Summary --
* Set module path in kamailio.cfg
-- File Changes --
M etc/kamailio.cfg (2)
-- Patch Links --
https://github.com/kamailio/kamailio/pull/1095.patch https://github.com/kamailio/kamailio/pull/1095.diff
I think the problem is in other part -- the build parameters must be adjusted to set internally the proper path to modules. Explicitly setting the path in config proved to be a bit more dangerous when having more than one installation, but also because there are parts of code relying on those paths, especially for default config path -- if the build system is not setting those defines properly, there can be other side effects in long term.
If one runs:
``` kamailio -I ```
it should print the right path to modules and kamailio tries to load from there. If there is a mismatch from what `kamailio -I` prints and where the modules were installed, then it has to be fixed.
As a side note for the future, prefix the commit message with the component that is affected, in this case being kamailio.cfg, so it should look like:
``` kamailio.cfg: short commit description here ``` I am closing this one and further discussions should be on the issue you opened (#1096).
Closed #1095.