But was a bit too long for me to read and reply at the time I got it ...
will do it soon.
On 26.11.2009 14:45 Uhr, Alex Balashov wrote:
I sent this message to K-users and sr-dev, and only
saw it appear on
sr-dev. Was it delivered to K-users? Also, I wrote a reply to myself
following up and it appeared on neither list.
Alex Balashov wrote:
I was faced with the following problem in Kamailio 1.5.2: I was
using nathelper + rtpproxy + registrar and needed to relay media for
calls going inbound to a NAT'd registrant through rtpproxy - only if
the registrant is NAT'd.
Here is the scenario:
Media gateway Kamailio
(on public IP) ----> registrar -----> NAT'd registrant
I was handling registrations from NAT'd endpoints like this:
if(nat_uac_test("1")) {
I was aware of fix_nated_register() but was not clear on its
relationship to the 'received_param' parameter stored in 'location'
and set as a modparam to both the 'registrar' and 'nathelper'
modules, so I was not using it.
Very quickly I ran into an obvious problem: if the contact stored in
the 'contact' column in 'location' is already fixed up with the
received IP:port, there is no way to know that the endpoint to which
the call is going is behind NAT -- when lookup() is called, the RURI
is set to the public IP:port. There are no flags of any kind that
one can set during save() that persist while the contact binding is
present for that AOR and can be resurrected on lookup().
Anyway, I eventually figured out how to fix this problem by empirical
means, with no clear help from the nathelper documentation. It turns
out that if I set the 'received_param' as a modparam to 'nathelper'
and 'registrar' and handle registrations from NAT'd endpoints with
fix_nated_register() instead, it will magically work.
I made the following discoveries to arrive at this conclusion, both
of which are not documented. This is why it will work:
1) When the original (RFC1918) 'contact' is stored in the 'location'
table (if using DB, which I am), the 'received' parameter is stored
alongside it and contains the public IP:port.
When lookup() is called, the RURI domain is set to private address, e.g.
if(!lookup("location")) {
# Error handling here
xlog("L_INFO", "[R-2:$ci] -> Registration resolved to RURI:
$ru here will contain something like this: sip:s@, the
original and unmodified contact supplied by the UAC.
But somehow, magically, when t_relay() is called the request will be
relayed to a different RURI - one with the 'received' IP:port
substituted in the domain portion. So, the request goes end up going
to the correct place.
This is, of course, because of the way the 'received' parameter is
supposed to work when appended to a Contact URI. But the point is
that it is not documented; nowhere in the documentation for lookup()
or t_relay() does it say that this will transpire, and I have no way
of knowing it except by observation.
2) For some reason, nat_uac_test("1") returns a positive result after
the lookup() and confirms that the destination is NAT'd.
This allows me to set a flag and then mangle the SDP in the reply to
use rtpproxy for NAT traversal of media as well, e.g.
route[2] {
if(!lookup("location")) {
# Error handling here
onreply_route[1] {
if(t_check_status("(180|183|200)")) {
if(search("Content-Type: application/sdp")) {
if(isflagset(9)) {
But if you examine carefully the documentation for nat_uac_test(), it
says the following for bit flag 1:
* 1- Contact header field is searched for occurrence of RFC1918
To me this means that nat_uac_test() should not work after the
lookup() above. The only Contact header value that is present in the
inbound INVITE handler is the Contact URI of the media gateway, which
is a public IP address! Yet for some reason it works, as if by
magic; apparently it is somehow implicit that a hidden "received"
attribute of the RURI is also part of this check.
This is also not documented, and is completely counterintuitive.
Is there any possibility of clearing up documentation as to this
point? Perhaps I have done something wrong here unknowingly; I have
no idea. I know that my solution works but I cannot justify why in
terms of the documentation. Is it very much to ask that the
documentation be explicit about hidden but critically important
mysteries like this?
-- Alex