The automatic actions have the purpose to keep the reporter, and devs when it is the case, engaged. An issue or PR marked `stale` can have the label removed by reporter if it is still interested in it. Also, a closed issue or PR can be reopened. Note also that the `stale` label is added based on inactivity period, comments are considered activity, so the inactivity is reset with each of them..
Have in mind that this is a collaborative project, so everyone have to stay engaged, nobody pays for time spent by developers on reviewing commits. From that point of view, I think it is fair that the reporter reacts on a stale or close notification and indicate that the issue is still there or the PR is still relevant. Just coming to blame, it is by far not a nice approach. Some of developers here spent significant resources and time without any direct benefits over the past 20 years to make this application available, that should be appreciated. This kind of automatisation tries to make the life easier for everyone, feel free to propose tools or processes that can help improving and moving forward.