sr-dev February 2020
  • 17 participants
  • 324 discussions

git:5.2:073212e0: sipcapture: fix typo
by Henning Westerholt
4 years, 11 months

git:master:459ccabe: sipcapture: fix inaccessible HEP chunks
by Henning Westerholt
4 years, 11 months

git:master:d4d7a8bb: sipcapture: fix typo
by Henning Westerholt
4 years, 11 months

git:master:5750b405: usrloc: Updated documentation for 'timer_procs' parameter to clarify purpose of having multiple timer processes.
by Your Name
4 years, 11 months

ims_qos module - dedicated bearer release after call end
by Pafel
4 years, 11 months

git:master:84e049e7: modules: readme files regenerated - kex ... [skip ci]
by Kamailio Dev
4 years, 11 months

git:master:b96a1be8: kex: docs for rpc stats.fetchn command
by Daniel-Constantin Mierla
4 years, 11 months

git:master:7a9cb26a: kex: new rpc command stats.fetchn
by Daniel-Constantin Mierla
4 years, 11 months

git:master:61ffd51c: tm: exported function to kemi returning the branch index
by Daniel-Constantin Mierla
4 years, 11 months

git:5.2:3d5e468a: core: propagate xflags inside sip_msg_update_buffer() to new msg
by Daniel-Constantin Mierla
4 years, 11 months
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