sr-dev February 2015
  • 39 participants
  • 341 discussions

aastra outbound support
by GG GG
9 years, 10 months

Issue after tcpops enhancement for lifetime per connection
by Daniel-Constantin Mierla
9 years, 10 months

git:4.2:e24c9ff7: sdpops: safety check when location a= line not to exceed end of message
by Daniel-Constantin Mierla
9 years, 10 months

git:4.2:449ba0c0: kazoo - fix timeouts
by Luis Azedo
9 years, 10 months

git:master:b9e5b918: kazoo - fix timeouts
by Luis Azedo
9 years, 10 months

git:master:91596953: sdpops: safety check when location a= line not to exceed end of message
by Daniel-Constantin Mierla
9 years, 10 months

git:master:4b682e15: tls: use proper start of ipv6 address in tls.cfg
by Daniel-Constantin Mierla
9 years, 10 months

setting traced_user_avp after calling sip_trace()
by Juha Heinanen
9 years, 10 months

git:master:6a97c65c: modules/siptrace: small README clarification
by Juha Heinanen
9 years, 10 months

git:master:3f6fc7d4: Registrar Remove SVN ID and history
by Olle E. Johansson
9 years, 10 months
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