Here is a short summary of my database driver integration attempt.
The following db driver modules have been merged from both (kamailio and ser), these modules should work with both projects and they have been merged into the sip-router master branch:
* db_berkeley * db_flatstore * db_mysql * db_postgres
I have verified that all the modules above can be compiled in sip-router and that they can be loaded and used. Two modules, db_flatstore and db_berkeley, contain support for kamailio MI interface. The interface wouldn't work right now because I could not export MI functions with the current state of sip-router module interface. All the functions are there but they won't be made available to the MI interface.
Then there are some database drivers that I haven' integrated because it does not make much sense right now:
* oracle in ser and db_oracle in kamailio, the ser module currently does not work * dbtext in ser and db_text in kamailio, the ser module currently does not work
And finally db_unixodbc module in kamailio does not have an equivalent in ser so we can keep it where it is right now. I would like to extend the module with support for libsrdb2 in the future and make it work with sip-router as well.