i went through december commits to master and found that before this commit:
sip router works ok with the config below, but does not start after the commit.
could you daniel check if there is something in the commit that could explain the problem?
-- juha
# --- Core params
debug=2 listen= fork=yes log_stderror=no log_facility=LOG_LOCAL0 check_via=no dns=no rev_dns=no dns_try_ipv6=no dns_try_naptr=on dns_udp_pref=1 dns_tcp_pref=1 dns_sctp_pref=1 dns_tls_pref=1 dns_retr_time=5 dns_retr_no=1 dns_use_search_list=no use_dns_cache=on use_dns_failover=on dns_srv_loadbalancing=on use_dst_blacklist=on sip_warning=no tcp_accept_aliases=no tcp_connect_timeout=5 tcp_send_timeout=5 tcp_connection_lifetime=3610 auto_aliases=no exit_timeout=1800 syn_branch=0 enable_sctp=0 enable_tls=no stun_allow_stun=0
# --- Modules
loadpath "/usr/lib/sip-proxy/modules" loadmodule "db_mysql" loadmodule "avpops" loadmodule "dialplan" loadmodule "enum" loadmodule "geoip" loadmodule "lcr" loadmodule "mi_rpc" loadmodule "mtree" loadmodule "tm" loadmodule "sl" loadmodule "utils" loadpath "/usr/lib/sip-proxy/modules_k" loadmodule "tmx" loadmodule "cfgutils" loadmodule "sqlops" loadmodule "pv"
# ---- Module parameters
# -- generic module parameters modparam("dialplan|lcr|mtree", "db_url", "mysql://openxg:openxg123@localhost/ser")
# -- geoip params modparam("geoip", "path", "/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIPCity.dat")
# -- lcr params modparam("lcr", "lcr_count", 1) modparam("lcr", "gw_uri_avp", "$avp(lcr_gw_uri)") modparam("lcr", "ruri_user_avp", "$avp(lcr_ruri_user)")
# -- mtree params modparam("mtree", "mtree", "name=test;type=2;dbtable=mtrees;") modparam("mtree", "mt_allow_duplicates", 1)
# ---- Request routing logic
route {
sl_send_reply("200", "OK"); exit;