### Description & troubleshooting
I have defined a redis cluster as followed. The cluster consists of 3 masters (port 6379) and 3 slaves (port 6380). The password is identical on all nodes through redis option 'requirepass'.
``` modparam("ndb_redis", "server", "name=sbcredis;addr=SBCMASTERREDISIP;port=6379;db=0;pass=REDACTED") modparam("ndb_redis", "server", "name=sbcredis;addr=PRIVATEIP;port=6380;db=0;pass=REDACTED") modparam("ndb_redis", "server", "name=sbcredis;addr=ASTP5IP;port=6380;db=0;pass=REDACTED") modparam("ndb_redis", "server", "name=sbcredis;addr=ASTP6IP;port=6379;db=0;pass=REDACTED") modparam("ndb_redis", "server", "name=sbcredis;addr=ASTP3IP;port=6380;db=0;pass=REDACTED") modparam("ndb_redis", "server", "name=sbcredis;addr=ASTP4IP;port=6379;db=0;pass=REDACTED") modparam("ndb_redis", "cluster", 1) modparam("ndb_redis", "allow_dynamic_nodes", 1) modparam("ndb_redis", "debug", 3) ```
When executing the redis_cmd command, most of the times an expected warning is shown due to another server providing the requested slot: `"(error) MOVED ..."` Notice that I've enabled "allow_dynamic_nodes" to make sure there is an automated connection attempt to the indicated server.
However, it appears that sometimes a "NOAUTH Authentication required." error is thrown when there is a redirection to a slave server serving that slot. I can authenticate succesfull on the redis-cli when using the identical password though.
Also note that when a redis master is queried, the redis_cmd is successful.
#### Reproduction
Each simple redis command that needs authentication (GET, SET, ...)
`redis_cmd("sbcredis", "SET TESTKEY TESTVALUE", "r");`
#### Log Messages
``` ndb_redis [redis_client.c:1089]: redisc_exec(): Redis error:NOAUTH Authentication required. ```
### Possible Solutions
None for now except disabling the password on all nodes.
### Additional Information
``` kamailio 5.7.2 ```