For what so ever reason, the sngrep does not show all the packets, using a bare ngrep shows more.
Anyhow, the problem is the caller device or the proxy/alg in between.
By RFC, the R-URI in ACK (and the other requests within dialog) has to be the URI from the Contact of 200ok. But there is the address of kamailio, making everything look like a strict routing and actually breaking the sip routing.
If you cannot fix the problem in the callee side, then you can try to fix it in kamailio, one option is to use htable to store the contact uri from 200ok and set it into ACK/re-INVITE/BYE/etc. before doing loose_route().
Overall, this is not an issue with kamailio code. If you need further assistance to do a fix via kamailio.cfg, the place to discuss is sr-users@lists.kamailio.cfg