That's exactly right. Media flows around Kamailio, negotiated directly by the endpoints in their SDP, to which Kamailio is entirely agnostic.
On 26 March 2014 03:44:46 GMT-04:00, Cock Ootec wrote:
Thanks for your quick reply. So, Kamailio does nothing with RTP/RTCP packets? I think I understand (now when I think about it) - Kamailio only handles SIP messages by which in nested SDP two endpoints negotiate the stream where media will go through? So RTP/RTCP media stream flow directly between two UA endpoints and Kamailio has nothing to do with handling of these packets. Could you, please confirm my thoughts?
All right but what if for example we have special UA that sends to Kamailio specially modified packet (non standard SIP). In my extension of topoh module I have sanity_checks disabled so will Kamailio check this packet before my module and drops it or I can receive, modify and forward this packet? I mean modify this packet to standard SIP packet and forward it to another UA. I am just asking theoretically because in the moment I cant try this.
On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 7:41 AM, Olle E. Johansson wrote:
On 26 Mar 2014, at 01:06, Cock Ootec wrote:
Hi, I'd like to develop module for Kamailio which will be working with RTP/RTCP packets. Is there any way to capture and edit RTP packet in
of Kamailio for example in module extended from *topoh*?
Kamailio in itself is a SIP server, often acting as a SIP proxy. The
protocol doesn't handle media, it facilitates setup and management of
media session. Adding a module for handling media in Kamailio doesn't really make any sense.
We do have modules that talk to external media servers. Look into
those -
like rtpproxy. The Kamailio module itself does not handle media, but communicates with the other server that in fact manages media
Before you modify software, you need to understand the architecture
In topoh there are two events SREV_NET_DATA_IN and SREV_NET_DATA_OUT
I didn't be able to capture any RTP packets by them.
Thanks in advance for any help or useful information. _______________________________________________ sr-dev mailing list
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