On Wednesday 25 May 2011, Klaus Darilion wrote:
Well, its gone from the modules, but still included in the parser. Here there are two difference in variable parsing code between SER and Kamailio mode.
What exactly is the difference?
It would be great if we could unify SER and Kamailio.
Hey Klaus,
the difference is in the AVP/PV syntax e.g. in $ and $(..):
For the $(..), in ser mode it parses to an AVP, in all other modes it parses to a PV.
For the $, in ser mode it parses to an AVP, in kamailio mode it parses to a PV, in all other modes mode it parses to an AVP or PV, depending on the variable type.
What about this:
Remove all modes but the one for ser. Then people which use ser style scripts are still able to use them and don't need to change anything. All others can forget about the defines and we would also have only one default cfg style in this regards, which would be nice, IMHO.