This was discussed briefly at a SIPit a few years ago. Outbound seems to
focus on session setup, not session management. What happens
if a connection goes down and a device re-registers with a new
reg-id during a call?
I think you two have hit a very good issue with outbound that needs
to be discussed.
28 apr 2013 kl. 21:37 skrev "Peter Dunkley"
Hi Juha,
This sounds like a bug with the outbound specification. I can't believe
that the ability to re-target dialogs would be deliberately removed by the
outbound enhancement without it being mentioned in the RFC.
Perhaps the right thing to do would be to raise this issue on the
appropriate IETF mailing lists and seeing if the designers of the
specification have an opinion rather than just using a proprietary
solution like contact aliasing?
i have one more comment on flow token vs. contact
flow token is part of a route uri that represent a proxy in the route
set. route set cannot be changed during the dialog, but remote target
uri can. from rfc3261:
Requests within a dialog MAY contain Record-Route and Contact header
fields. However, these requests do not cause the dialog's route set
to be modified, although they may modify the remote target URI.
Specifically, requests that are not target refresh requests do not
modify the dialog's remote target URI, and requests that are target
refresh requests do. For dialogs that have been established with an
INVITE, the only target refresh request defined is re-INVITE (see
Section 14). Other extensions may define different target refresh
requests for dialogs established in other ways.
Note that an ACK is NOT a target refresh request.
Target refresh requests only update the dialog's remote target URI,
and not the route set formed from the Record-Route.
if flow token is used instead of contact aliasing to store the remote
target uri, then it is not possible to modify the remote target uri via
target refresh requests (e.g. when moving from wifi to mobile network)
and such setup is violating the above text of rfc3261.
this problem does not exist with contact aliasing, because
add_contact_alias() is called on each in-dialog target refresh request,
which allows changing of remote target uri during the dialog.
-- juha
sr-dev mailing list
Peter Dunkley
Technical Director
Crocodile RCS Ltd
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