2011/10/10 Juha Heinanen jh@tutpro.com:
The idea is that a client has two open connections and two registrations from the same device. The registrations has the same UUID in the contact, but different reg-id's. When an edge proxy returns 430 when the registrar uses one reg-id contact, the registrar needs to retry with the other reg-id.
i just checked rfc5626 and in my opinion it has big flaw in that even if an ua is configured with two ob proxies, rfc5626 does not require that ua registers via both of them. rfc5626 thus just brings more complexity without any benefit for implementing proxy redundancy.
No Juha, really not.
Forget the two ob proxies if you want. The rest of the specification is the best answer for NAT and TCP/TLS, much better than the half-solutions we use today (those that makes the registrar to mantain 40 bindings for the same AoR when the device is a movile using SIP over TCP and reconnects every few minutes).
What are you proposing then Juha? not implementing RFC 5626 and continuing with custom solutions that don't work well? continuing with Contact rewritting? No please.