The following task has a new comment added:
FS#494 - usrloc: REGISTER with new callid gets updated on memory but not on DB
User who did this - Víctor Seva (linuxmaniac)
What version are you using? Have you tried with
db_ops_ruid parameter set to 1?
This was reported for 4.1.6. No, I did not tried
with db_ops_ruid = 1.
The patch is good anyhow to solve the old db
operations mode, you can commit it.
I'm going to commit this to master. I think
this should be backported to 4.1/4.2 too.
In long term, the db update/delete operations should
be done on ruid only, the other options should be removed – they are costly due to mach
value size (e.g., when someone has a long path set).
Should we change the default value of db_ops_ruid as a first step?
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