El Wed, 06 Mar 2013 09:03:41 +0100 Daniel-Constantin Mierla miconda@gmail.com escribió:
Today nightly builds of the 4.0 branch failed for wheezy and ubuntu-precise.
Do you mean master branch or you already have a build service for branch 4.0? I noticed it is still referred as 3.4 in the source tree, i made a local patch and tested for squeeze on OBS, all went fine:
I created a nightly build for 4.0 branch some days ago but didn't announce it. Now we are building nightlies for 3.2, 3.3, 4.0 and master.
4.0 failed but tonight's builds are successful again.
Maybe it's time to put the nightlies in the wiki. I'll build the finals as soon as I can.