6 dec 2012 kl. 14:50 skrev Juha Heinanen <jh(a)tutpro.com>om>:
Daniel-Constantin Mierla writes:
I haven't studied exactly the algorithm, but
from what I understood, the
contacts have to be sorted also by reg-id. What is not clear yet for me
is if Q values still plays a role.
i googled a bit and looks like relationship between q value
sip.instance/reg ids is a mess. more mess comes from so called
permanent registrations (for example a voicemail server registration at
lower q value) that may or may not have sip.instance/reg-ids.
Before outbound a contact was a contact. Now we have to start discussing
devices as we have a device identifier. A device can be identified by one
contact - with or without sip.instance and reg-id - or multiple contacts
that share the same sip.instance but have different reg-id's.
One could say "contact group" or "device" or something else. The
has a q value and should be treated as the old "Contact".