Module: kamailio Branch: master Commit: 4d478b741e8a21365d1e7c0342476f2e77cca34c URL:
Author: Daniel-Constantin Mierla Committer: Daniel-Constantin Mierla Date: 2022-05-12T18:41:32+02:00
registrar: docs for lookup_xavp(...)
Modified: src/modules/registrar/doc/registrar_admin.xml
Diff: Patch:
diff --git a/src/modules/registrar/doc/registrar_admin.xml b/src/modules/registrar/doc/registrar_admin.xml index 50ba66f38f..15fcc0d1fc 100644 --- a/src/modules/registrar/doc/registrar_admin.xml +++ b/src/modules/registrar/doc/registrar_admin.xml @@ -1450,6 +1450,84 @@ lookup_branches("location"); </example> </section>
+ <section id="registrar.f.lookup_xavp"> + <title> + <function moreinfo="none">lookup_xavp(ultable, uri, rxname, cxname)</function> + </title> + <para> + Similar to lookup(...), but store the location record attributes + in XAVPs. Note that not all contact record fields are stored + </para> + <para>Meaning of the parameters:</para> + <itemizedlist> + <listitem> + <para> + <emphasis>ultable</emphasis> - name of the usrloc table that is used + for the lookup. + </para> + <listitem> + </listitem> + <para> + <emphasis>uri</emphasis> - the URI to be searched in location table. + </para> + </listitem> + <listitem> + <para> + <emphasis>rxname</emphasis> - name of the XAVP to store record + attributes. These are: + </para> + <itemizedlist> + <listitem> + <para> + <emphasis>aor</emphasis> - the address of record. + </para> + </listitem> + </itemizedlist> + </listitem> + <listitem> + <para> + <emphasis>cxname</emphasis> - name of the XAVP to store content + attributes, name mapping is done from the perspective of using + them to send out SIP requests. These are: + </para> + <itemizedlist> + <listitem> + <para> + <emphasis>uri</emphasis> - the contact address. + </para> + </listitem> + <listitem> + <para> + <emphasis>socket</emphasis> - the socket of the contact record. + </para> + </listitem> + <listitem> + <para> + <emphasis>dsturi</emphasis> - the destination uri of the contact + record (the received field in location contact). + </para> + </listitem> + </itemizedlist> + </itemizedlist> + </listitem> + </itemizedlist> + <para> + This function can be used from ANY_ROUTE. + </para> + <example> + <title><function>lookup_xavp</function> usage</title> + <programlisting format="linespecific"> +... +lookup_xavp("location", "$fu", "rul", "cul"); +xinfo("aor: $xavp(rul=>aor)\n"); +xinfo("number of contacts: $xavp(rul>count)\n"); +xinfo("first contact record - uri: $xavp(cul>uri)\n"); +xinfo("first contact record - socket: $xavp(cul>socket)\n"); +... +</programlisting> + </example> + </section> + <section id="registrar.f.registered"> <title> <function moreinfo="none">registered(domain [, uri [, match_option [, match_action]]])</function>