Hi Henning,
as I was discussing with you at the fosdem dinner we were developing something on the 5.3 branch yet:
we have a module for the history info processing with functions and pv variables $hi[index] handling. As I told you before moving the pvs to the core, we would like to have a well tested module.
We have also added functions to the sdpops module to allow codec reorder, remove and other manipulations over the request/response processing (matching between invites and updates with 200 OK responses).
We have added native and kemi functions to the userblacklist module where we do global filtering based on the from uri or other customer selected field.
We have also readded and updated the Gentoo ebuilds that were removed many releases ago. We based them on the stable releases and we have one too for git with version 9999 as usual.
Do you think we can start to push some code?
Kind regards.
Federico Santulli
NHM - S.R.L. Via Raffaello Sanzio, 88 81031 Aversa (CE) Italy