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FS#55 - Extending TM timeout/408 handling User who did this - IƱaki Baz Castillo (ibc)
---------- Another possible solution:
3) Generate local 503 if fr_timer expires.
According to RFC 3261 there are two posibilities if the transport layer fails:
- Timeout, no response, so 408 is locally generaged.
- Transport error so 503 is locally generated. Transport error can occur in both TCP and UDP: - In TCP means that the TCP connection failed. - In UDP means that the UAC received a ICMP indicating "UDP port 5060 unreachable".
The transport error for UDP is not handled by TM as it doesn't rely on the received ICMP. Also it seems that such ICMP mechanism is not interoperable between different TCP/IP stacks.
Anyhow, I would suggest that when fr_timer expires (in UDP) a locally generated 503 could make sense. Why not? If there is no response at all for a transaction then there is some kind of network issue or perhaps the remote server is down/congested. 503 seems suitable for me, even if RFC 3261 doesn't state it.
PS: As far as I know, other SIP stacks uses internal codes (like 7XX) to indicate such kind of errors (transport error, transport timeout...). I think something like that is a real need even if RFC 3261 didn't consider it (as they didn't consider NAT). ----------
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