30 mar 2013 kl. 13:29 skrev "Peter Dunkley" peter.dunkley@crocodile-rcs.com:
Hello Olle,
In addition, I would like to be able to discover sub-protocols used (msrp, sip). I fail to see how I can do that now. Do we have a Core API for publishing read-only data from modules? I guess we maybe could use PVs or XAVPs for that. An ugly way would be to implement RPC in SNMPstats and issue RPC commands internally to fetch data, but that means a lot of serializing that really is not needed as SNMPstats generally fetches one parameter (OID) at a time, not complete sets.
I've added a whole slew of new counters so you can see what is going on at the sub-protocol level. Feel free to add them to SNMP if they will help.
Cool. I will add them.
Note that the frames received and transmitted counters for SIP and MSRP only count frames containing SIP and MSRP messages. So the existing total frames received and transmitted counters will contain larger numbers as they include control frames too.
I'll implement them as counters that can roll around.
I have also added the sub-protocol used to the dump MI command, but not sure that is really useful. The WebSocket MI commands were only really added to help with testing. For example, the dump command won't help much on a system with thousands of active connections - simply too much data.
The WebSocket module doesn't actually contain any RPC commands at all. Not sure what use they would be for this module anyway.
Also, some of the modparam parameters could be exposed as cfg params - which would make it easier to change them at runtime with sercmd, but also expose them in SNMPstats. I think keepalive_interval and keepalive_timeout are candidates for this.
If you can point me at a clear example of where this done elsewhere I'll be happy to add it.
Look at dispatcher - config.c and dispacher.c. http://sip-router.org/docbook/sip-router/branch/master/cfg_list/cfg_var_list...
That page also gives more examples. I don't see a callback when variables in the config fw changes, so you need to get them with cfg_get before using if I understand it right.
I will experiment and see if I can expose this in the snmp module. I don't see any Dispatcher-related variables in the MIBs, so that needs to be added. Time for me to learn about tables in NET-SNMP and MIBs.
-- Peter Dunkley Technical Director Crocodile RCS Ltd