Hi Henning,
thanks for the commit! Tested & works :-)
Kind regards, Carsten
2014-02-24 11:25 GMT+01:00 Henning Westerholt hw@kamailio.org:
Am Samstag, 22. Februar 2014, 17:55:01 schrieb Carsten Bock:
some quick questions on a saturday afternoon:
- is there a way to restart the pdb_server without restarting the
daemon? E.g. by sending a SIGUSR1 or similar
- the debian-control file states:
Package: pdb-tools Depends: ui-pdb-tools-config
What is ui-pdb-tools-config?!? Where can it be found?
And the last question:
- does someone have a working init.d-script for the server? It's missing...
Hello Carsten,
this is some artefact of internal packages from us:
ui-pdb-tools-config - Config for ui-pdb-tools
In the end that one does only contain a configuration file for the pdbt. I will remove that from the public repository.
With regards to the init script, I will add a version we use here in internally, feel free to improve it if you find it necessary.
Best regards