Interesting - had not considered the multi IP scenario when adding the
replicate function. The send/broadcast functions should both work as
expected in multi IP setup (although not what you need) - are you able to
confirm this is the case?
I am travelling so it may be a little longer than usual, but I will try to
take a look over the next day or so.
On 9 Oct 2014 15:32, "Victor V. Kustov" <coyote(a)bks.tv> wrote:
Hi all!
Server has two IP's. kamailio binded to IP1, dmq binded to IP2.
Everywhere in dmq node listed IP2, of cause. But when message
replicated to dmq node, message sended from IP1 and cannot be
dispatched as message from dmq node.
396: if(tmb.t_replicate(msg, &node->orig_uri) < 0) {
Here used t_replicate from TM module. Message replicated from IP1 of
kamailio SIP. But if dmq bind to another IP - IP2.
I think message must send from IP, described in dmq's config:
modparam("dmq","server_address", "sip:.....");
Best regard,
JID: coyote(a)bks.tv
JID: coyote(a)bryansktel.ru
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