-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [asterisk-dev] FOSDEM 2013 Telephony/Communications Devroom Call for Presenters Date: Sat, 24 Nov 2012 20:37:28 -0600 From: Matthew Jordan mjordan@digium.com Reply-To: Asterisk Developers Mailing List asterisk-dev@lists.digium.com To: Asterisk Developers Mailing List asterisk-dev@lists.digium.com
This is a call for presenters for the telephony and communications devroom at FOSDEM 2013 - http://www.fosdem.org/.
We will be holding a day full of presentations on development topics in the area of open source telephony and communications on Sunday, February 3rd. The schedule allows for presentations from 9:00 to 15:00. Following the development topic presentations, a panel discussing the challenges of federated and distributed free Real-time Communications (RTC) and its significance to the Free and Open Source Software community will be held, hosted by Daniel Pocock and Peter Saint-Andre.
Please submit all proposals no later than 2013-01-04. Notification of accepted speakers will be provided by 2013-01-07. We will then work to have a schedule finalized by 2013-01-11. Please include the following with your submission:
1. Title of your presentation. 2. The duration of your talk (between 20 and 60 minutes). Please indicate the minimum and maximum size slot that you are comfortable with. 3. The speaker(s) presenting. 4. A brief description of the content of the presentation.
This year, proposals will be reviewed and approved by a panel. That panel consists of: * Daniel Pocock <daniel at pocock.com.au> * Peter Saint-Andre <stpeter at stpeter.im> * Matt Jordan <mjordan at digium.com>
If you would like to contact the devroom organizer directly, please contact Matt Jordan <mjordan at digium.com>.
The room we will be using will have a projector, wifi, and 150 seats.
In addition to the Telephony DevRoom, this year we will be hosting a Real Time Communication Integration Test effort. Projects that are incorporating any RTC or VoIP capabilities are invited to participate in the integration test efforts. This will be similar to SIPit, but smaller, for open source projects, and independent of protocol. More information regarding the RTC integration testing will be made available on the telephony-devroom mailing list.
Feel free to forward this along to any people or mailing lists that you think would be interested in this event.
Thank you!