in kamailio 3.3 the presence DB mode parameters "subs_db_mode", "publ_cache" and "notifier_processes" control how the module stores presentity and watcher info in DB.
If they have been set to the following values: subs_db_mode=3 publ_cache=0 notifier_processes=3 the following query is executed >10 times/second (mysql log):
"select presentity_uri,callid,to_tag,from_tag,event from kamailio_active_watchers where updated=123 AND event<>'presence.winfo'"
According to the notifier_poll_rate default value (==10) and the formula in the documentation 1/(waitn_time * notifier_poll_rate * notifier_processes) That results in 1/(5*10*3) == 1/150
So is it really regular behaviour, if the query is performed that often? What about using triggers in that situation?
Additionally I have noticed, that only one subscriber gets notified, if a presentity changes although all subcribers have been stored correctly in active_watchers.
When I set notifier_processes to 0 (old behaviour) every subscriber gets notified correctly...
Cheers Jasmin