Added Module Properties: Ranks: PROC_MAIN - Main ser process PROC_TIMER - Timer attendant process PROC_RPC - RPC type process PROC_FIFO - FIFO attendant process PROC_TCP_MAIN - TCP main process PROC_UNIXSOCK - Unix socket server PROC_ATTENDANT - main "attendant" process PROC_INIT - special rank, the context is the main ser process, but this is guaranteed to be executed before any process is forked, so it can be used to setup shared variables that depend on some after mod_init available information (e.g. total number of processes).
@warning child_init(PROC_MAIN) is again called in the same process (main), but latter (before tcp), so make sure you don't init things twice, bot in PROC_MAIN and PROC_INT
PROC_NOCHLDINIT - no child init functions will be called if this rank is used in fork_process() PROC_SIPINIT - First SIP worker - some modules do special processing in this child, like loading db data PROC_SIPRPC - Used to init RPC worker as SIP commands handler. Don't do any special processing in the child init with this rank - just bare child initialization PROC_MIN - Minimum process rank
Diff is attached.
2012/12/4 Ovidiu Sas osas@voipembedded.com
Second patch applied.
Thanks, Ovidiu
On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 7:22 PM, Konstantin M. evilzluk@gmail.com wrote:
Sure, done, see 02_better_printing_stacktrace.diff attached.
2012/12/4 Ovidiu Sas osas@voipembedded.com
Hello Konstantin,
I applied the first patch. Thank you. For the second patch, I would like to use the internal kamailio memory manager: pkg_malloc and pkg_realloc instead of calloc and realloc. Could you please rework the second patch and test?
Thanks, Ovidiu
On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 6:14 PM, Konstantin M. evilzluk@gmail.com
Hello Ovidiu Sas, Sure, I just removed this, see 01_expand_log_facilities.diff attached. Also I changed a printing of stack trace (see 02_better_printing_stacktrace.diff) according to standard python's traceback.
Example of old printing: 0(4842) ERROR: app_python [python_support.c:38]: python_exec2: Unhandled exception in the Python code: 0(4842) ERROR: app_python [python_support.c:78]: Traceback
recent call last): 0(4842) ERROR: app_python [python_support.c:78]: File "/opt/kamailio/python/Kam-Loggers.py", line 34, in BuggyCode return self.BuggyCode_lvl2(a) 0(4842) ERROR: app_python [python_support.c:78]: File "/opt/kamailio/python/Kam-Loggers.py", line 31, in BuggyCode_lvl2 return self.BuggyCode_lvl3(a) 0(4842) ERROR: app_python [python_support.c:78]: File "/opt/kamailio/python/Kam-Loggers.py", line 28, in BuggyCode_lvl3 return self.BuggyCode_lvl4(a) 0(4842) ERROR: app_python [python_support.c:78]: File "/opt/kamailio/python/Kam-Loggers.py", line 25, in BuggyCode_lvl4 return self.BuggyCode_lvl5(a) 0(4842) ERROR: app_python [python_support.c:78]: File "/opt/kamailio/python/Kam-Loggers.py", line 22, in BuggyCode_lvl5 a / 0 0(4842) ERROR: app_python [python_support.c:78]: TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'Router.msg' and 'int'
Example of new printing: 0(4753) ERROR: app_python [python_support.c:95]: python_exec2: Unhandled exception in the Python code: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/kamailio/python/Kam-Loggers.py", line 34, in BuggyCode return self.BuggyCode_lvl2(a) File "/opt/kamailio/python/Kam-Loggers.py", line 31, in
return self.BuggyCode_lvl3(a)
File "/opt/kamailio/python/Kam-Loggers.py", line 28, in
return self.BuggyCode_lvl4(a)
File "/opt/kamailio/python/Kam-Loggers.py", line 25, in
return self.BuggyCode_lvl5(a)
File "/opt/kamailio/python/Kam-Loggers.py", line 22, in
a / 0
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'Router.msg' and 'int'
2012/12/4 Ovidiu Sas osas@voipembedded.com
Hello Konstantin,
I would be happy to commit your patch, but I would like to ask you to remove, for now, the conditional FLAVOUR compilation. You could leave the module name as "Router" for now. Can you generate an new patch file without FLAVOUR?
Regards, Ovidiu Sas
On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 2:50 PM, Konstantin M. evilzluk@gmail.com wrote:
Hi Dev,
Modified app_python:
- Added FLAVOUR support
- Added python objects:
Module Methods: LM_GEN1(self, int log_level, str msg) LM_GEN2(self, int log_facility, int log_level, str msg) LM_ALERT(self, str msg) LM_CRIT(self, str msg) LM_ERR(self, str msg) LM_WARN(self, str msg) LM_NOTICE(self, str msg) LM_INFO(self, str msg) LM_DBG(self, str msg)
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