2010/5/31 Juha Heinanen jh@tutpro.com:
Juha Heinanen writes:
i haven't thought about that yet. perhaps "stop" in a rule could be interpreted to mean "stop" trying shorted prefixes, or then there would need to be one more (prefix) table.
one possibility might be to include a "stop" character at the end of prefix, e.g.
which would mean, if prefix 001 matches, do not try any shorter ones.
It would be ok. However from a design point of view IMHO it's simpler to have a column "stop" rather than requiring special syntax in 'prefix' column. Content of lcr table is loaded into memory so I don't see the benefict of using 001$ rather than "stop=1". In order to design an admin interface is easier to handle a single column rather than inspecting the syntax of the 'prefix' column.