Uppss, thanks.
Sorry for the noise Klaus
Am 04.07.2011 13:48, schrieb Alex Balashov:
On 07/04/2011 07:43 AM, Klaus Darilion wrote:
NOTICE:<script>: 1089:failure to PSTN gateway: Call to sip:00431505641636@ ERROR: pv [pv_core.c:186]: failed to parse the R-URI NOTICE:<script>: 1097:next gateway. Call to<null> ... ERROR: uri2dst: bad_uri: sip:00431505641636@
Looks like the assignment to $rd is buggy (double port)
It had always been my understanding--and my experience--that $rd governs the domain portion of the Request URI only, _not_ including port. Port is handled by a different PV: $rp. Thus, the correct assignment would be:
$rd =; $rp = 5060;