On 2/2/10 9:26 PM, Jan Janak wrote:
On 02-02 19:36, Elias Baixas wrote:
Hello all, I have been working on the seas module to make it work on sip-router. I have my own git branch locally, but I'd like to share it on the sip-router public git so that others can take a look and finally push it to the master branch. it needs some transaction-module changes, so it needs good review from other more tm-knowledgable coders before it can be finally merged. where do I need to send my public ssh key to get commit access to the sip-router git ?
That's great, I actually also started working on making the seas module compile, so if you want you can send the patches to me and I'd be happy to review and commit the changes to tm and other places.
I'd be also happy to do some testing becase I was going to use it this week.
Regarding the ssh, you can send it to either Daniel or myself and we'll give you access.
ssh access should be up, hopefully I haven't forgot anything and just works now :-)
Cheers, Daniel