Daniel-Constantin Mierla writes:
Yes, it was a bug, so it can be backported if you tested and all ok, then you can backport (or I will do it, once I get back to a computer with sources) -- you have to backport the patch to the core as well, as I added a helper function that could be use in some other parts of code.
i tested and the patched worked so i went and cherry picked the commits to 4.1.
while testing, i noticed that if From URI already has tag attached to it, the whole header gets surrounded by <>, which does not seem right to me.
here is an example of the resulting subscribe when From header in the input looks like:
From: sip:jh@test.tutpro.com;tag=54284d3d4fcb0
SUBSCRIBE sip:foo@test.tutpro.com SIP/2.0. Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bK7221.53689516000000000000000000000000.0. To: sip:foo@test.tutpro.com. From: <sip:jh@test.tutpro.com;tag=54284d3d4fcb0>.
-- juha