5 apr 2013 kl. 15:13 skrev Hugh Waite hugh.waite@crocodile-rcs.com:
modules/tm: Added branch_failure event route to tm documentation
Thank you for adding this route!
Formatting issue: I don't like the event route doc to come after the module API. We usually have the API docs as the last item.
Architecture/documentation issues:
- Is it really an event route - or does it work as the other T_ON_FAILURE?
- Would it be better to enable a route with t_on_branch_failure(ROUTE_NAME) ?
- What's the architectural difference between an event_route and the other routes triggered by TM?
- Can I do everything I can do in FAILURE_ROUTE in this event route?
- How do I retarget and retransmit a request? The transaction i still open so I can't use t_relay like in failure route, or?
Many questions... :-)