Module: sip-router
Branch: master
Commit: 2b7ceeaef966b6b1b77d676441573e455ee1e804
Author: Richard Good <richard.good(a)>
Committer: Richard Good <richard.good(a)>
Date: Thu Nov 13 09:54:36 2014 +0200
modules/ims_registrar_scscf: include contact param info in NOTIFY
Params are now stored in usrloc - if they exist they should
be included in notifications to subscribers
modules/ims_registrar_scscf/registrar_notify.c | 100 ++++++++++++++++++++---
1 files changed, 87 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
diff --git a/modules/ims_registrar_scscf/registrar_notify.c
index 17a1266..cebc889 100644
--- a/modules/ims_registrar_scscf/registrar_notify.c
+++ b/modules/ims_registrar_scscf/registrar_notify.c
@@ -1064,7 +1064,7 @@ int subscribe_to_reg(struct sip_msg *msg, char *_t, char *str2) {
subscriber_data.watcher_uri = &watcher_impu;
subscriber_data.watcher_contact = &watcher_contact;
subscriber_data.version = 1; /*default version starts at 1*/
if (expires > 0) {
LM_DBG("expires is more than zero - SUBSCRIBE");
@@ -1112,15 +1112,32 @@ int subscribe_to_reg(struct sip_msg *msg, char *_t, char *str2) {
} else {
- LM_DBG("this must be a re subscribe, lets update it\n");
- res = ul.update_subscriber(presentity_impurecord, ®_subscriber,
&expires_time, 0, 0);
- if (res != 1) {
- LM_ERR("Failed to update subscription - expires is %d\n",
- ul.unlock_udomain(domain, &presentity_uri);
- goto error;
- }
- new_subscription = 0;
+ if(memcmp(reg_subscriber->call_id.s, subscriber_data.callid->s,
reg_subscriber->call_id.len) == 0 &&
+ memcmp(reg_subscriber->from_tag.s, subscriber_data.ftag->s,
reg_subscriber->from_tag.len) == 0 &&
+ memcmp(reg_subscriber->to_tag.s, subscriber_data.ttag->s,
reg_subscriber->to_tag.len) == 0) {
+ LM_DBG("This has same callid, fromtag and totag - must be a re subscribe, lets
update it\n");
+ res = ul.update_subscriber(presentity_impurecord, ®_subscriber,
&expires_time, 0, 0);
+ if (res != 1) {
+ LM_ERR("Failed to update subscription - expires is %d\n", expires_time);
+ ul.unlock_udomain(domain, &presentity_uri);
+ goto error;
+ }
+ new_subscription = 0;
+ } else {
+ LM_ERR("Re-subscribe for same watcher_contact, presentity_uri, event but with
different callid, fromtag and totag - What happened?\n");
+ LM_DBG("Removing old subscriber and adding new one\n");
+ subscriber_data.presentity_uri = &presentity_impurecord->public_identity;
+ ul.external_delete_subscriber(reg_subscriber, (udomain_t*) _t, 0 /*domain is already
+ res = ul.add_subscriber(presentity_impurecord, &subscriber_data,
®_subscriber, 0 /*not a db_load*/);
+ if (res != 0) {
+ LM_ERR("Failed to add new subscription\n");
+ ul.unlock_udomain(domain, &presentity_uri);
+ goto error;
+ }
+ new_subscription = 1;
+ }
ul.unlock_udomain(domain, &presentity_uri);
@@ -1419,6 +1436,35 @@ out_of_memory:
+/*We currently only support certain unknown params to be sent in NOTIFY bodies
+ This prevents having compatability issues with UEs including non-standard params in
contact header
+ Supported params:
+ */
+static str param_q = {"q", 1};
+static str param_video = {"video", 5};
+static str param_expires = {"expires", 7};
+static str param_sip_instance = {"+sip.instance", 13};
+static str param_3gpp_smsip = {"+g.3gpp.smsip", 13};
+static str param_3gpp_icsi_ref = {"+g.3gpp.icsi-ref", 16};
+int inline supported_param(str *param_name) {
+ if(strncasecmp(param_name->s, param_q.s, param_name->len) == 0) {
+ return 0;
+ } else if (strncasecmp(param_name->s, param_video.s, param_name->len) == 0) {
+ return 0;
+ } else if (strncasecmp(param_name->s, param_expires.s, param_name->len) == 0)
+ return 0;
+ } else if (strncasecmp(param_name->s, param_sip_instance.s, param_name->len) ==
0) {
+ return 0;
+ } else if (strncasecmp(param_name->s, param_3gpp_smsip.s, param_name->len) ==
0) {
+ return 0;
+ } else if (strncasecmp(param_name->s, param_3gpp_icsi_ref.s, param_name->len)
== 0) {
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ return -1;
+ }
/** Maximum reginfo XML size */
#define MAX_REGINFO_SIZE 16384
@@ -1441,6 +1487,11 @@ static str r_expired = {"expired", 7};
static str r_unregistered = {"unregistered", 12};
static str contact_s = {"\t\t<contact id=\"%p\"
state=\"%.*s\" event=\"%.*s\" expires=\"%d\">\n",
static str contact_s_q = {"\t\t<contact id=\"%p\"
state=\"%.*s\" event=\"%.*s\" expires=\"%d\"
q=\"%.3f\">\n", 69};
+static str contact_s_params_with_body = {"\t\t<unknown-param
name=\"%.*s\">\"%.*s\"</unknown-param>\n", 1};
+/**NOTIFY XML needs < to be replaced by < and > to be replaced by
+/*For params that need to be fixed we pass in str removing first and last character and
replace them with < and >**/
+static str contact_s_params_with_body_fix = {"\t\t<unknown-param
+static str contact_s_params_no_body = {"\t\t<unknown-param
name=\"%.*s\"></unknown-param>\n", 1};
static str contact_e = {"\t\t</contact>\n", 13};
static str uri_s = {"\t\t\t<uri>", 8};
@@ -1461,6 +1512,7 @@ str generate_reginfo_full(udomain_t* _t, str* impu_list, int
num_impus) {
impurecord_t *r;
int i, j, res;
ucontact_t* ptr;
+ param_t *param;
buf.s = bufc;
buf.len = 0;
@@ -1509,19 +1561,41 @@ str generate_reginfo_full(udomain_t* _t, str* impu_list, int
num_impus) {
} else {
LM_DBG("q value equal to -1");
- sprintf(pad.s, contact_s.s, ptr, r_active.len, r_active.s,
+ sprintf(pad.s, contact_s.s, ptr, r_active.len, r_active.s,
r_registered.len, r_registered.s,
ptr->expires - act_time);
pad.len = strlen(pad.s);
STR_APPEND(buf, pad);
STR_APPEND(buf, uri_s);
LM_DBG("Appending contact address: <%.*s>", ptr->c.len,
STR_APPEND(buf, (ptr->c));
STR_APPEND(buf, uri_e);
+ param = ptr->params;
+ while (param && supported_param(¶m->name) == 0) {
+ if(param->body.len > 0) {
+ LM_DBG("This contact has params name: [%.*s] body [%.*s]\n",
param->name.len, param->name.s, param->body.len, param->body.s);
+ if (param->body.s[0] == '<' &&
param->body.s[param->body.len -1] == '>') {
+ LM_DBG("This param body starts with '<' and ends with '>'
we will clean these for the NOTIFY XML with < and >\n");
+ sprintf(pad.s, contact_s_params_with_body_fix.s, param->name.len, param->name.s,
param->body.len - 2, param->body.s + 1);
+ } else {
+ sprintf(pad.s, contact_s_params_with_body.s, param->name.len, param->name.s,
param->body.len, param->body.s);
+ }
+ pad.len = strlen(pad.s);
+ STR_APPEND(buf, pad);
+ } else {
+ LM_DBG("This contact has params name: [%.*s] \n", param->name.len,
+ sprintf(pad.s, contact_s_params_no_body.s, param->name.len, param->name.s);
+ pad.len = strlen(pad.s);
+ STR_APPEND(buf, pad);
+ }
+ param = param->next;
+ }
STR_APPEND(buf, contact_e);