On Thursday 08 September 2011, Juha Heinanen wrote:
Alex Hermann writes:
When in you mtree branch, 'git pull' will pull changes from master.
thank you for your answer. i thought too that it works like than, but it doesn't.
Is local mtree branch supposed to track master?
just to make sure, i just cloned sip-router again:
/usr/src/orig$ mkdir sip-router /usr/src/orig$ git clone ssh://jh@git.sip-router.org/sip-router Cloning into sip-router... jh@git.sip-router.org's password: Receiving objects: 24% (30355/123106), 14.38 MiB | 355 KiB/s remote: Total 123106 (delta 86469), reused 117147 (delta 81991) Receiving objects: 100% (123106/123106), 31.57 MiB | 295 KiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (86469/86469), done.
then i created a local branch called 'jh' that tracks remote head jh/mtree:
/usr/src/orig/sip-router$ git checkout --track -b jh remotes/origin/jh/mtree Branch jh set up to track remote branch jh/mtree from origin. Switched to a new branch 'jh'
then i do pull:
/usr/src/orig/sip-router$ eg pull jh@git.sip-router.org's password: Already up-to-date.
and after that lib/srdb1/schema/entities.xml does not contain the change that i did to master this morning.
From the above commands, I don't see why it should. Local branch jh tracks origin/jh/mtree, not master. So why would a master change suddenly appear in the jh branch? I would expect changes you push to origin/jh/mtree to appear in your local jh branch after a pull, nothing else.
disclaimer: I always use EasyGit, but i expect these fundamentals to be the same in bare git and EasyGit mentions no differences on this subject.