I've setup a siremis installation using mysql for siremis tables. Now having kamailio
with postgresql on another machine, I've chosen Postgresql in seremis setup under SIP
DB and correctly inserted the right username/password/host. Connection was successfully.
The problem rises when you try to query something owned by kamailio-db: the query builded
from seremis is not written for a postgresql database but is still written to be used in a
mysql database. Here an example:
An exception occurred while executing this script:
Error message: #0, Error in query:: SELECT T0.id, T0.username, T0.domain, T0.password,
T0.email_address, T0.ha1, T0.ha1b, T0.rpid FROM `subscriber` T0 LIMIT 10. SQLSTATE[42601]:
Syntax error: 7 ERROR: syntax error at or near "`" at character 101
Script name and line number of error:
Obviously, nothing works. The only things working are all those operation using mysql as
Have I setup wrong my installation or is it not possible to use two different databases?
Thanks a lot,
Giorgio Maria Santini